martes, 30 de agosto de 2016

LEVEL 4 - TERM 2 - 2016

Well, hello, my name is eduardo palacios, i'm 22 years old and i'm studing psychology. About my relation with English languaje, when I was in school a series of ausent teachers and a unworried me of the past, make me right now a tarzan of English. I lost the words I want to use, and I realize of my poor vocabulary. I think this is the reason because write take me a lot of time. I realize of my problem with conjugations, I forgot almost all school subjects of English, I have many problems with use “the”, “at” and “in” too. But in spite of this I don’t think is too much difficult write in English. The thing I think is really dificult for me is hold a fluent English conversation, because I always lost words, and I get nervous. 
I hope level 4 helps me to increase my voculabury and pronunciation, and I hope that is reflected in my speech.