martes, 13 de diciembre de 2016

Before I took this subject many people say me what this subject was a loose, they say me teachers are so demanding and they treat you like a child, as if you still in the school. I start the subject of English in the second course, English II, and I don’t know if I was lucky or what, but in my experience of three semesters with a subject of English, I have had a great experience. All my teachers have been very attentive; so many times they have been funny for a better learning experience and I have noticed always a big preoccupation for make the subject more interesting, for example, when they choose activities with attractive themes like in the blog.

I have learned a lot of things what I forgot of school, and other new things, but I am still very bad in some things, I don’t have too much vocabulary and when I have to talk in English in real situations I always lose the words, as well as I still have a very poor pronunciation. But I feel good with my pronunciation, is bad, but I think is understood, I like the Latin accent, or maybe is my solace.

Outside the class, I use English very seldom, I like probe me when I see movies or series and I try to understand what the characters are saying without read the subtitles. I don’t know why but I understand better when the actors aren’t of UK or EEUU, a Mexican or Japanese talking English have a better pronunciation than an English mother tongue speaker, or that is what I think.

martes, 29 de noviembre de 2016

When I was in the first grade of my career, I participate in some reunions for create the new curriculum of studies of psychology, in this meetings professors and students take part, and I remember some things of this conversations but in this time (when I was a "mechon") I didn't know what significate the majority of the concepts. Today I can bring my opinion because I lived the career (I'm in the last year of pregrade). Well, psychology have many laboral areas very different between them, each laboral area have inside many approaches of study and intervention. So we can say the psychology is not one, exists a lot of forms to applicate and study psychology, and one of the good things of the program in the Universidad de Chile is the varied contents in the curriculum and the facility for students to choose the subjects they want.

In spite of this I think what some subjects in the optative cycle are very important and they most be part of the basic cycle, for example I think  the antipsiquiatria subject have knowledges necessaries for create in students a critical thought about the neurosciences and psychopathology. And I think what each one of us, as psychologists, need know different approaches for these themes.

In other hand, I criticize the infrastructure, the building of the aularios separated facso. Now is very difficult create chances for meet the community and I think what the communication between the different careers of facso and all the stratums is fundamental in a faculty of social sciences.

martes, 8 de noviembre de 2016

Since I was a child, I always have been loved films and all things what include creation of a fiction history. In the beginig, it was only for entertaiment, but then I understand what behind all the images, draws, and music into a film are a complex work of creation of a new world. We usually think about this with movies like Avatar or Harry Potter for example, because it's more explicit, but in reality all films have a fiction world where all what happen there depends of the cordinated work of a lot of people, this people in the credits.

And in this area, I love the work of Quentin Tarantino, yes, I like to see blood on each scene, jaja, no, but I don't know other director who in his movies mount a relate of the history, a evolution of a characters and obviously a form create movie atmospheres like Tarantino. I'd like to meet he because I think he most be a very interesting guy to talk. I remeber one of the first movies of Taratino I see, it was about a psycho who was double of movies and he had a "deathproof" car, so he went to parties and bars and followed young and pretty women in his car for crash both cars and kill this women. When I was seeing this movie I really didn't know what was going to happen, this man was indestructible, simbol of power, but then *spoiler alert* in the final scene this guy was gracefully beaten to death (?) for a group of girls what he wants to kill. Beautiful.

martes, 18 de octubre de 2016

I`m study psychology and this career have many opportunities for work. I would work in a box, like the classics psychologists with patients and all this things, but I don’t know if this is what I like for my future. Actually, I have to take a patient and feel like if I be playing to be a psychologist, it's very difficult to me believe in my potential and I get to much nervous. Despite that, I like it because it's a big challenge and I want to know how the work in a box is. Besides, I will start to work in the COSAM of La Pintana, they have other vision of how the job of a psychologist is because they work with groups of persons (not individually)and they work with the families of users, with other organizations, making communitarian activities and linking the territory to the institution, so the therapeutic job is not in a box is in the community. It`s like a fusion of clinical area and communitarian work. I think I want work in something like this in future, this makes more sense to me than a box job. I really see me in a public institution of mental health with a communitarian work, hopefully in a rural area.  

martes, 11 de octubre de 2016

Talk about politics is always a difficult theme.  Personally I don’t believe in politicians because the system for become a candidate requires what that person passes through a compilation of filters.  And that system can kill all good intentions of the pre candidate, first the person needs become a public face, and how he can do it? He needs travel, put placards in streets, online propaganda, makes pamphlets and people to help to do a good campaign, many times professionals who study the competition and voters. And all this things cost a lot of money, so this pre candidate has to fall into debt or entering to a party, and as we have seen a good part of the money of parties come from big groups of business, who have different interest in the politics of government. So this good guy, our pre candidate, for become to a candidate has to adjust his proposals with the “spirit” of the party and the interest of business. And this happens with politicians of both wings, of left and right, and the same groups of business are behind. That why I question if we live in a real democracy. Has my vote the same value as this interest?  I don`t believe it, and that’s why I not going to vote, and why I will never be a candidate. 

martes, 4 de octubre de 2016

I really don’t have any favorite tv show, I can’t choose one. I like see animation films, and when I was a little younger I met the animated series of Avatar the legend of aang, yes, the series of this child with a blue arrow in his head. This is a show where a war divides the four nations of this world, and each nation is identify with a particular element, and a part of the population of each nation can manipulate an element, like fire, water, etc. So the protagonist has the mission of bring balance to the world, like a typical hero of TV shows.  The interesting thing of this series is the combination of a typical American format (in history and draw) with a lot of oriental principles and philosophy. And besides is a show with a lot of funny situations.

Unfortunately, I never had cable, and I had wait every Saturday morning for watch a new episode of Avatar, and always when the history almost came to the climax the channel decided start again ¡¡in the first episode!! >:\  Well, now internet is the solution of all this problems, and last year I saw again this show in less than a week. I don’t know why but I love it.

martes, 27 de septiembre de 2016

I'm not be of this kind of people what goes crazy with a particular artist. I always go to a concert because I like specifically the album of a band or because one of my friends is part of the band. On the other hand, I don’t like massive concerts, I like keep it familiar, in this way you can dance, drink, talk and smoke with friends of friends, or meet people or groups, even the band. In summary, I like bar concerts. I remember a great concert I went in a little bar of Bellavista, there were many emerging bands and one of this was Newen Afrobeat, it was the first time I saw this band and I really fell in love. I was very tired after they finish because I never stopped dancing. They play a kind of African music combined with Latin sounds. It was around two years ago, since then I always try to search if this group have any presentation, but I have only been able to see them two times. I recommend them. 

martes, 20 de septiembre de 2016

Post 1

I’m not sure why, but I would like to visit China. When I was a kid the adults around me always refer to China like the farthest place you can go, like something totally different. I don`t know how China is, I only had seen a little on TV, but I believe what China is more than this typical documentaries. I want to go for many reasons, I think in visiting ancient places, monuments in the middle of the nature, with a rich cultural history. It`s a country with a millenary history, Chile has around 200 years old, for China this is nothing. I imagine the people of the cities, millions of millions, with technology and industries, but besides the people of the more distant and little town, living in poor conditions. If I can go I don`t want to see only beautiful places, I would like to see the reality of the people, as a tourist it is impossible understand truly conditions of their lives, but more or less I would like do it.

martes, 30 de agosto de 2016

LEVEL 4 - TERM 2 - 2016

Well, hello, my name is eduardo palacios, i'm 22 years old and i'm studing psychology. About my relation with English languaje, when I was in school a series of ausent teachers and a unworried me of the past, make me right now a tarzan of English. I lost the words I want to use, and I realize of my poor vocabulary. I think this is the reason because write take me a lot of time. I realize of my problem with conjugations, I forgot almost all school subjects of English, I have many problems with use “the”, “at” and “in” too. But in spite of this I don’t think is too much difficult write in English. The thing I think is really dificult for me is hold a fluent English conversation, because I always lost words, and I get nervous. 
I hope level 4 helps me to increase my voculabury and pronunciation, and I hope that is reflected in my speech.