martes, 18 de octubre de 2016

I`m study psychology and this career have many opportunities for work. I would work in a box, like the classics psychologists with patients and all this things, but I don’t know if this is what I like for my future. Actually, I have to take a patient and feel like if I be playing to be a psychologist, it's very difficult to me believe in my potential and I get to much nervous. Despite that, I like it because it's a big challenge and I want to know how the work in a box is. Besides, I will start to work in the COSAM of La Pintana, they have other vision of how the job of a psychologist is because they work with groups of persons (not individually)and they work with the families of users, with other organizations, making communitarian activities and linking the territory to the institution, so the therapeutic job is not in a box is in the community. It`s like a fusion of clinical area and communitarian work. I think I want work in something like this in future, this makes more sense to me than a box job. I really see me in a public institution of mental health with a communitarian work, hopefully in a rural area.  

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