martes, 29 de noviembre de 2016

When I was in the first grade of my career, I participate in some reunions for create the new curriculum of studies of psychology, in this meetings professors and students take part, and I remember some things of this conversations but in this time (when I was a "mechon") I didn't know what significate the majority of the concepts. Today I can bring my opinion because I lived the career (I'm in the last year of pregrade). Well, psychology have many laboral areas very different between them, each laboral area have inside many approaches of study and intervention. So we can say the psychology is not one, exists a lot of forms to applicate and study psychology, and one of the good things of the program in the Universidad de Chile is the varied contents in the curriculum and the facility for students to choose the subjects they want.

In spite of this I think what some subjects in the optative cycle are very important and they most be part of the basic cycle, for example I think  the antipsiquiatria subject have knowledges necessaries for create in students a critical thought about the neurosciences and psychopathology. And I think what each one of us, as psychologists, need know different approaches for these themes.

In other hand, I criticize the infrastructure, the building of the aularios separated facso. Now is very difficult create chances for meet the community and I think what the communication between the different careers of facso and all the stratums is fundamental in a faculty of social sciences.

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